The national school Sacré-Coeur of Petit-Goave, destroyed by the earthquake of the 12 January 2010, has been reconstructed by the SDC and inaugurated the 10 October 2012. The new buildings aim to promote adequate architectural and structural standards for safe and comfortable learning spaces. This school is a so called "EFACAP", combining a full levels primary school (9 classrooms, 2 kindergarten, administration, library and computer room, kitchen and refectory), with a teacher training centre (2 classrooms, conference hall and dormitory) for the training of nearly 200 teachers of 20 other surrounding associated schools. The school compound was designed in order to preserve the buildings of origin built in 1901 which were rehabilitated during the project. The construction of this “pilot” school allowed testing an earthquake and cyclonic resilient system in concrete, elaborated according to a modern and ductile concept and respecting the new norms established by the Haitian government after the earthquake. Based on this experience, the school design has been optimised into a first standardised school model, accompanied by an exhaustive technical documentation, aiming to provide the Ministry of Education (MENFP) and the Education community in general with reference construction designs for primary schooling infrastructure.
This school is part of "the Programme d’Appui à la Reconstruction des Infrastructures Scolaires (PARIS)", financed and implemented by the Swiss development and cooperation agency (SDC) in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MENFP). The program aims to respond to the reconstruction needs after the earthquake of 12 January 2010, and to seek long-term structural effects for the sector, by elaborating and promoting new standards for Education facilities. Thus, beside the construction of nearly 15 new public schools and teacher training centres, the PARIS provided an important technical support to the MENFP and partners to elaborate earthquake and cyclone resilient school models, adapted to the various local contexts.
Technical data:
Full levels elementary school with a teacher learning center
1000 children (simple shift)
200 teachers (on training)
1400 m2 of new construction
600 m2 of rehabilitation
Period: January 2011 to December 2012
Cost: USD 1'200’000
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